5 Exercises for a Ripped Back

The back supports the weight of the upper body and has to be strong to carry out its work unhindered. People focus on strengthening their lower back, but upper back muscles too need toning up. A well toned back looks good and helps in maintaining correct posture. Upper back exercises are a good way of strengthening the upper back. You really want to put some emphasis on the lower lats. It is easily overlooked but absolutely crucial to developing the "V" look many desire! Some effective upper back exercises are mentioned below.

Upper Back Exercises.

Dumbbell Pullover

You will need a narrow workout bench. Lie with the workbench supporting the upper back and neck, and your head leaning over one end. Place one leg each on either side of the bench with feet firmly placed on the ground. Lift the dumbbell over your face with arms stretched out. Slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc; hold, and bring it back to original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Another variation of this upper back exercise is to hold the dumbbell with bent arms. With elbows bent, slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc; hold, and then gently pull back the dumbbell to original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Dumbbell Row

 Place the dumbbell on the right side of the bench, and your left leg on the bench with the right foot firmly placed on the floor. Leaning forward, place the left hand on the bench in front of the body. Your back should be in horizontal position. Pick up the dumbbell and raise your arm slowly upwards until your upper arm is in level with your upper body; hold, and take back your arm to the original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen. Now, repeat the exercise with the left arm.

Barbell Bent Over Row

Place a barbell in front of you flat on the ground. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, squat down and perform a deadlift with a pronated grip to lift the bar off the ground. You will now bend over at your waist with a slight bend in the knee. You will bend over until your chest is parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Begin by pulling the bar into your belly button then slowly let the bar return to the starting position. It is important to keep your core tight and back flat during this exercise so you do not use your lower back!

Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown

This exercise is performed just as your traditional lat pull down. Grab the pull down bar at shoulder width and sit down with your knees anchored. Pull the bar down to the top of your chest until you can drive your elbows down back and squeeze your shoulder blades down and together.

Narrow Grip Pull Up

Execute this exercise as a traditional pull up would be executed. Exception is that you will use a neutral grip and focus on squeezing your shoulder blades down and back.

Cable "Face Pull" w/ Rope

Seated on a cable row machine, replace the attachment with a rope attachment. Grab the rope with a thumb down grip and start by pulling the rope towards your ears with your elbows pointed up. Pull and squeeze your shoulders back and at your traps.

These upper back exercises are a great way to build a strong upper back that add to the ‘V’ shape of the body. Good luck!

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Matt Beard