Bodybuilding Series: 6 Steps to Start Bodybuilding

This is the first entry to our brand new series on bodybuilding. Bodybuilding differs from other modalities of training in workout style, diets, and technique. This entry is made to get you acclimated to the things it's going to take to be successful in your bodybuilding program.

Bodybuilding is more than just a great way to get into shape, it is a lifestyle. If you are persistent, you'll develop the body you desire, add pounds of lean muscle mass and you'll even reduce your risks of chronic diseases like osteoporosis and coronary heart disease. Remember, it takes time and effort to transform your body into a lean muscular machine, and here are six tips to help you get started bodybuilding. We will dive more into detail of each of these 6 steps in individual entries in the coming days! Here is what you should expect!

1. Study and Research.

Before you spend time at the gym, spend time in the library and online researching and planning. You need to develop the most effective training program for your fitness level and body type. You'll need to understand how your muscles work and the most effective ways to increase your muscle mass. Don’t skip this step or you’ll find yourself working out for months or even years with few or no gains.  Note: avoid following the workout of your favorite pro bodybuilders, they have been training for years and need very different advanced training than the beginner level you need to follow. **If you want to take your results to the next level and maximize your training time, hire a coach that will keep you on track and accountable!

2. Proper Diet

Learn to eat a healthy, balanced diet. You'll need to increase the quantity of food while you also improve the quality of your food. You need healthy carbs to fuel your workouts and more lean protein for repairing and building your muscles. A healthy, planned and well balanced diet will give your body the strength to workout and build muscle.

3. Don't Skip Muscle Groups

Make sure you train your entire body. Many beginners train only the muscles that show, biceps, chest, etc. You need to train your entire body in order to build a balanced and symmetrical body.

4. Get plenty of sleep and rest.

If you don't give your body and muscles a chance for rest, you'll never see them grow. You don't have to work out for hours every day and 7 days a week. Take some days off to prevent over-training your muscles, follow that old adage “train smarter not harder”. You'll start seeing results more quickly.

5. Mindset

Develop the proper bodybuilding mindset. Why do you want to be a bodybuilder? What are your reasons, goals and objectives? Bodybuilding is a very long-term pursuit that will be a major part of your life for many years to come. Focus on your goals and what motivates you to keep you going to the gym even on those days you just don’t feel it.

6. Track your progress!

Record and track of your progress. Maintaining a training log from Day 1 will allow you to track your workouts and your gains. Which workouts produced results? What exercises resulted in the greatest gains? Which foods helped your muscles grow rather than your waistline grow. Your training log will help you determine what works and what still needs to be done.

Many beginner bodybuilders allow themselves to get discouraged and quit when they don't see immediate results. Bodybuilding takes time, dedication and hard work, but as long as you continue to train right, eat healthy, and get adequate rest you will become an advanced and experienced bodybuilder with muscles to show for it!

This should give you a great idea of what its going to take to be successful in your program. Stay tuned through this coming week as we will be posting workout plans, meal plans, and as well as diving into each step more so you can create the body you have your mind set on! Each step here is equally as important as the other. We want to provide you with as much help and FREE workout plans and examples to help you out!

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Matt Beard