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We all know that the human body is a biological machine that needs maintenance and nutrition. Without food, the human system becomes susceptible and defenseless to pathogens and biological invaders. It is therefore very apt to say that foods are prerequisite for healthy living. In order not to be branded gluttonous and ignorant, it is expedient for an individual to know what goes into our system. As the saying goes, ‘we are what we eat’. Overindulgence in some food can be highly deleterious to the body’s metabolism and functioning. Below are 6 foods that kill your metabolism:


6. Whole Grains

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Any food produce from guinea corn, wheat, maize, rice, millet is considered a byproduct of grains. However, there are two types of grains. Whole grains have the most adverse effect on the metabolism of the body system. This may come as a shock for many. Whole grains are those grains that contain the bran, germ, and endosperm. They are basically grains that have not been milled. 

As interesting as the term “whole grain” may sound, it would interest the consumers to know that whole grains may contain little or no fiber (Melinda W.M, 2013). Fiber is needed by the body system to be able to reduce cholesterol as well as glucose level. Once there is not much fiber in your system, absorption of carbohydrate is high thereby increasing blood sugar level which could lead to a possible increase in the level of eating to satisfy your hunger. This can lead to obesity and diabetes due to an increase in blood sugar level. 


5. Conventional Frozen Meals

You may be surprised as to why frozen meals made the list. Well, the truth is that most of these meals are preserved with some chemicals such as rancid oils that end up slowing your metabolism thereby causing weight problems (Jackie Wicks, 2014). As if that is not enough, the packaging materials used are made with a chemical known as BPA (bisphenol A.) that causes a metabolic disturbance.


4. Canola Oil

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This is one of the most popular oil found on the shelves of grocery stores. Canola oil is a genetically modified food produced through the hybridization of rapeseed. Canola oil being a genetically modified food turns rancid very quickly once exposed to air. This leads to oxidation of your body cells when consumed (You end up taking in trans fat when such product is consumed rancid). Canola oil is composed of 25% polyunsaturated fatty acids which cause accelerated cell aging, insulin resistance (diabetes) and slows down your metabolic rate. 


3. Fruit Juice

Although drinking a cup or two may sound healthy right? Fruit juice is made of a high amount of sugar even if organic. Rather than drinking this, you can take a little water, add a dice of lemon and you are good to go. Drinking just too much fruit juice can wreck your system and have an adverse effect on your weight and metabolism.


2. Junk Food

Junk or overly processed foods have been known to be associated with obesity. How does junk affect your metabolism? Well, that’s an easy answer. You see rather than digesting or metabolizing food (breaking down proteins and nutrients burns calories i.e. the thermic effect of blood), the body does the opposite when you eat Junk. Less energy is required of your body to break down and store junk which has a high content of carbohydrate and fat, hence the switch. Since not much energy is required, fewer calories are being burnt, making weight loss difficult. Junk food is also full of hydrogenated fats (trans fat) and sodium which contributes to water retention and slowing of metabolic processes.


1. Non-organic Fruits

photo credit: noahlaith

When buying fruits, consider the seasonality factor, as some of these fruits are grown with the use of some fertilizers and pesticides that may hazardous for the body system. Pesticides and fertilizers are agrochemicals that are used not only to protect plants (fruit plants) from pests, weeds or diseases but also to help with the growing process of these plants.  Once these fruits are not in their season, some farmers tend to use pesticides and inorganic fertilizers to maintain their yield. Once these fruits are mature to be harvested, they may contain a significant amount of pesticides or fertilizers on them which when consumed could damage body cells and have a negative effect on your metabolism. Damaged cells equal slow metabolic rate.


Stay mindful of the food you put in your body. if you have gotten to the point where the weight just won't come off and you can't figure it out... most often you are suffering from metabolic fatigue. Your metabolism just needs a little jump start. begin this by limiting the food on this list. moving forward past that, strategic diet plans help boost your metabolism and will further help get you  back on track. of the many dieting programs, I am an expert in mmt/keto dieting. I cover keto dieting in a different post. be sure to check the Health & Wellness section for more information. As many of you know my crux to my personal training and dieting program is a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting being the backbone of my eating structure!

Thank you for reading! For more please make sure to subscribe to our youtube channel, follow us on Instagram and like our page on Facebook. whatever you want to do. have a great and bless day beautiful peeps!

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Melinda W.M. (2013, July 25). Whole Grain Foods Not Always Healthy [Web blog post]. Retrieved from

Is Junk Food Slowing Down Your Metabolism? [Web blog post]. Retrieved from

Jackie Wicks (2014, April 1). 10 Dangerous, Metabolism Killing Foods To Avoid and Never Eat Again [Web blog post]. Retrieved from

Kristen Michaelis (2014). Why canola oil is not a health food. Retrieved from [Web blog post]. Retrieved from


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