Power Series: Basics of a Strong Bench Press

I have encountered many clients and gym goers whose only fitness goal was to have a "strong" bench. The weight itself varied from person to person, but generally speaking, adding weight onto a one rep max is easy for those who have never truly trained power and proper technique.

Most people begin their pressing routine without addressing some major things first. First, a proper warm up is absolutely a must. I like to have clients begin with cervical and thoracic spine stretches while working on shoulder and chest mobility. This is great because it effectively warms up most major muscle groups that you will need to use while performing explosive and heavy presses.

Next, you need to address to grip width on the bar. Your grip shouldn't be much wider than shoulder width because you want to be able to keep your elbows tucked in and under the bar during the complete range of motion. This will feel very strange if you have never tried this. Work on the technique and see the difference it makes. This position gives you the ability to generate power through the whole range of motion.

Third, you need to focus on your feet. Where do you feel most comfortable. This will vary based on your preference. Most lifters like to tuck their feet under them, allowing for a greater arch to the lower back. No matter the stance, make sure you keep your butt on the bench at all times throughout the whole press.

Lastly, the way your time your breaths is huge. You should take a DEEP breath before you descend the bar down below your nipple line. This helps lessen your range of motion. You should be able to touch with control, the explosively press back up with control while you exhale.

The Workout

Warm Up:

  1. Thoracic and cervical spine stretches

  2. Shoulder and chest mobility (scaptions, cobras, etc.)


1. Flat Bench Press - 24 Speed or "Explosive" Reps

         *Pick a weight that is 50-65% of your one rep max.

         *Perform 8 sets of (3) reps.

            ->Should be light and you should be able to press quickly with control

2. Flat Bench Press - 12 Reps of 80%

         *Perform 4 sets of (3) reps

3. Flat Bench Press - 25 Total Reps

        *Begin with your heaviest weight you can press at most 5 times. You will do a drop set atthis weight, doing as many reps as possible on each set as you drop weight until you perform at least 25total reps.

Accessory Work

1. Weight Dips (4 Sets of 6/10 reps)

2. Incline Dumb Bell Bench Press (4 Sets (6/10 Reps)

Super Set

1. Incline Dumb Bell Chest Fly + Body Weight Push Up (4 rounds, 12/15 reps each)

2. Cable Triceps Push Down + Dumb Bell Overhead Triceps Extension (4 rounds, 12 reps each)

Power Series Notes

  • This will be all the flat bench for your first time training this style of pressing
  • There will be a later post on pressing progression after we finish the squat article tomorrow
    • There will be an article for Pulling Progression, Pressing Progression, Squat Progression, and two articles on Program Progression that will follow this routine

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Matt Beard