Initial Consultation Form
First Name
Last Name
Where are you from? City/State
Why are you starting?
What are your goals? Short and Long-term
What would be something that would keep you from your goals?
Equipment Acess
Home Gym
Fitness Club
Community Gym
Scale of 1-10, How motivated are you?
Preferred Contact
Phone Call
Social Media Message
Liability Release
I hereby accept all risks associated with my NEWave Fitness LLC training program and release and forever discharge NEWave Fitness LLC d/b/a NEWaveTraining & Coaching and its respective heirs, directors, officers, agents, employees, representatives, successors and assigns, administrators, executors, and all others ("RELEASEES") from any and all responsibilities or liability from injuries or damages resulting from or connected with my participation in any of the NEWave Fitness LLC exercise programs whether arising from the negligence of the RELEASEES or otherwise. 1. I acknowledge and fully understand that I will be engaging in training activities that potentially involve the risk of serious injury or possibly permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result not only from their own actions, inactions, or negligence, but the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the condition of the premises or any equipment. Further, that there may be other risks not known or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. 2. I further acknowledge and understand that NEWave Fitness LLC and its employees are not licensed dieticians and that any nutritional information or guidelines provided by NEWave Fitnes LLC carries no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties regarding safety or suitability for a particular purpose. 3. I hereby assume full responsibility for all the foregoing risks, known and unknown, and accept responsibility for the damages following any injury, permanent disability, or death. 4. I shall indemnify and hold Releasees harmless from any and all claims (including reasonable defense costs and attorneys’ fees) arising out of any bodily injury or death of any person, or damage to any property, to the extent caused by my negligence or willful misconduct. 5. I acknowledge and understand that insurance coverage maintained by NEWave Fitness LLC is excess coverage and begins after the exhaustion by me of all other insurance coverage for which I may be eligible, including but not limited to exhaustion of all insurance coverage provided by my personal trainer or his/her company and/or workout facility. 6. I hereby consent to allow my name, image, likeness and/or voice to appear in publications, official documentaries, promotional materials, and advertisements, and any and all television, radio or film coverage of NEWave Fitness LLC in any manner incidental to my participation in the exercise program, without compensation. This waiver and release agreement specifically embraces each and every event, activity or purchase sanctioned by said RELEASEES, and has the same effect as if executed after each and every sanctioned event, activity or purchase in which I participate so that the parties herein intended to be released shall be fully and effectively released as to each and every sanctioned event, activity or purchase. NEWave Fitness LLC cannot guarantee that its products or workouts will be safe, effective or suitable for everyone. For that reason, all such products and services, and the programs, techniques and materials embodied in such products and services, are offered without warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, and NEWave Fitness LLC disclaims any liability, loss or damages that may result from their use. NEWave Fitness LLC is owned and operated by Matt Beard and is doing business as NEWave Training & Coaching.
Thank you!