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Weight Loss Series: Final Entry; Goal Setting Tips

Goal setting is the final and possibly the most important aspect to our weight loss series. We have discussed the importance of developing healthy eating and exercise habits. We have also discussed how to approach setting your calorie limits and macro-nutrient ranges. In this series, I hope to have provided you with tips on everything from exercise routines to helpful information on fat loss and proper dieting. All these things together will be your vehicle to get you to your ultimate goals in your personal weight loss.

Your success in all the areas mentioned above relies on the right goals laid out in the very beginning of your weight loss and fitness journey! You must set SMART goals. You may have heard of the acronym before. Smart stands for specific, measurable, accountable, realistic, and time frame. Here is what they mean.



Set a SPECIFIC goal. Your goals should be made as specific as possible. Think short term and long term. By being specific, you can work toward your goal and ultimately achieve it! It is important to do this in the very beginning of your weight loss journey. It will give you the full perspective of what exactly it is that you want and what it will take to reach that. This aspect is most important because it also establishes your "WHY"! You why is what will keep you going! Make sure its powerful and meaningful to you! Motivation and inspiration comes from "why" not "what".


It is very hard to each goals that aren't measurable. Make them worth it to you but also make them measurable. Whether it be pounds, inches, or a new pair of jeans you want to fit in, make it measurable. This will give you a visual for all you hard work and reassurance that it is paying off! Living healthier and eating better may be how you get there, but you have to know where it is you'd like to end up, both short term and long term. Track your progress. Write it down and set more short term goals along the way!


Stay accountable to your goals, plans, and programs. This goes back to finding what works best for you and your lifestyle. Often times, many people start programs with much excitement and enthusiasm. When things start to level out and plateau, the things they were dedicated to doing fall to the way-side which further extends the plateau. Writing down a food and work out journal is time consuming and tedious. You may find that logging your food and exercises on an application on your phone may be a better alternative. Find what works best for you and STICK TO IT!


I am very hesitant to use the word realistic. I am a firm believer in believing and achieving whatever you put your mind too. This idea of being realistic here isn't to discourage you, rather it should be used to motivate you. Set goals that you feel is possible for you and your current lifestyle. You have to stack the deck in your favor as much as possible. So yes, shoot for the moon for your long term goals, but set short term goals that you know you can attain in a reasonable amount of time and start chipping away. This will keep you motivated on a daily basis to work hard and keep pushing forward! This will keep your inner fire of desire burning!


Set a definitive time to start and a definitive time limit to reach your goals. This will keep you more accountable until the very end. Do whatever it take on this end. Write it down on a calendar, count down the days, keep tally marks, whatever! Just put it down and remind yourself every day of what you're up against. This way, when temptation comes, you will be prepared with a great reason not to give in. Everyone will suffer setbacks on their diet and program but it's important to have all the reasons you can to get back up and keep moving forward. Keep positive people around you who will encourage you to work hard and not give in!

Weight loss doesn't have to be rocket science or as confusing as it may be made out to be. I hope that you are now armed with great information and ideas on how to make weight loss work for you. Achieve your goals! When you do, make new ones and keep working hard! This is a way of life, but I promise, nothing is more rewarding than the feeling of being healthy and happy. Good luck!

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