Bodybuilding Series: Final Entry; GAINS
This is our final entry to the entire body building series. We hope you have now gathered some great information on how to take your program to the next level and commit yourself to a routine. Body building is not for everyone but seems to be the general approach for most gym goers and fitness enthusiast. We hope by the end of this series, you can make a decision on whether this is the route you want to go or if your fitness goals are in line with a different modality of training. None the less, let's recap.
Programing, Meal Planning, and Everything in Between
In our first entry to the series, we discussed the importance of doing your homework and picking the right body building program for you. This step is crucial because there is no one program fits all. You should take the time to assess your goals and current fitness level before deciding what route to take. Having a fitness coach becomes very helpful in this area as they will layout a program that fits you by addressing your specific needs early on while allowing for maximal muscle growth.
Next we discussed meal planning and macro nutrients. This is a very broad and in depth subject. Again, having a fitness coach allows you to take the guessing game out of your meal planning. They will lay out your meal regime based on any food intolerance as well as specific needs according to your lifestyle! I do not want to weight any specific area more than others, but if I had to put a special emphasis on anything, it would be this. Your success in fitness will ultimately come down to the food you do or do not put in your mouth. Take time to educate yourself in this area and look for professional advice so you don't waste your time! YOU CANNOT OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET! Meal Planning Entry
After we laid out the basics, I gave you guys a sample week on a body building program. You can take these workouts or exercises and implement them into your own personal program or regime right away! You should train multiple modalities and techniques during your program by working different ranges of motion and by training with different tempos. Keep a variety in your workouts to keep them fresh and challenging every time you train. You will not grow unless you really push yourself to new levels. After you finish your training split, make sure you REST! We talked about rest in ENTRY X. Go back and check that out to see the importance of taking "rest" days and how you can plan your diet around these. Workouts
Body Building Mindset
You must develop the proper body building mindset. This is a long term approach. Why do you want to be a bodybuilder? What are your reasons, goals and objectives? Bodybuilding is a very long-term pursuit that will be a major part of your life for many years to come. Focus on your goals and what motivates you to keep you going to the gym even on those days you just don’t feel it. No matter the goal or reason, make sure it is big enough to keep you going. There will be many days where you feel like you do not have it. These are the days you remind yourself of your why. You specific fitness goals will change and evolve as you do inside and outside of the gym, but your why should not. This may sound silly now, but not having a big enough why is the reason most people try and fail at this. Do not let that be you. Consistency is key! Work your tail off and reap the reward that only those who truly are determined will ever reach. You will meet other amazing people along the way that have like goals as you. Team up with these people and avoid pessimist like a plague. Focus on your goals and spend time with those who are motivated like you!
Track Your Progress
Track your progress! Tracking your progress makes your goals real. The numbers do not lie to you. This is the true tell-tale sign of if your program is working for you. If you become stagnant, and you're not seeing results, you know there are changes that have to be made some where in your diet, activity level, or program. The main thing is to identify these things and make the change. Don't waste your time and still deal with the same problems 6 months down the road. Track it all. Your personal body stats, the weight you lift, the food you eat, and the way you feel. Make this a way of life. You have to be honest with yourself and overcome pride and ego. When you track your progress, you have a real measuring stick to your success in all facets of your health journey. A wise man once told me, "You have to know where you are, to know where you are going."
Set lofty goals and do not stop on your journey to the top. Deal with obstacles as they come but do not stop. When you reach for something that is bigger than you and outside of your comfort zone, you will never be the same again.
Bodybuilding Series Notes
- We have published a sample bodybuilding week workout split. These are workouts on a 5-day split so you will have an idea of what a weeks exercise regime will look like as well as give you ideas of new exercises to try in your program!
- First workout will be legs, followed by chest, back, shoulders, and core.
Stay tuned for updates on our next series on developing Athleticism!
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