What You Need to Know About Stiff Necks

Have you ever woken up with a neck so painful you can't even move it to look to the side? Ever worked for long periods of time that you notice your neck muscles already stiffening up due the stress and strain? You may already be manifesting signs of having a stiff neck.

Thanks to our extremely fast-paced and bustling lifestyles paired with lack of rest and poor body posture, stick neck has become pretty normal for the average American. It is considered harmless as pain relief follows pretty quickly after having rested the neck stiffness for a couple of days or so. But if it persists for a longer time that the usual two to three day recuperation window, then it could be a manifestation or warning for an existed medical condition.

Clinically referred to as a cervical spasm, stiff neck pain is often the result of sore neck muscles. Although it is generally non-alarming, having a stiff neck can be an indication of an underlying medical condition that you may not be aware of. So it is best to consult a physician if you have chronic stiff neck pains.

Like what was mentioned above, stiff neck can develop from poor body posture or because of too much stress, however there are other causes that can cause having a cervical spasm or a stiff neck:

  1. Trauma or injury. Concussions or injuries to the head and neck may cause the neck muscles to spasm and start to stiffen and hurt.
  2.  Underlying medical conditions. Meningitis and high blood pressure are two of the most common health complications that are manifested by having tensed, painful, and stiff necks. Brain inflammation can also cause stiff necks paired with nausea and vomiting.

People who've experienced having this condition know how difficult it is to function with a painful neck, and so neck pain relief is the common refuge. A variety of prescription and over-the-counter pain relief medication can be used to relieve the discomfort brought about by having a stiff neck. It is best to consult a physician once you've started feeling pain in the neck region to know whether or not it is a simple case of stiff neck or if it is caused by something else.

Nobody wants to bear the discomfort of stiff neck, not only is it difficult to move around, it also makes concentrating more difficult as the pain will always distract you. Here are some helpful tips to avoid having a recurring stiff neck:

  • Avoid too much stress. Too much physical and emotional stress can cause strain on the neck muscles which can eventually lead to a stiff neck. Take some time to meditate and relax. Take time to make "me" time as difficult as that may sound.
  • Check the bed and the pillow. Make sure that your head is ergonomically situated on the pillow and that the bed is leveled just right so that it supports your entire body and it does not to put any strain on your neck and upper body.
  • Perform isotonic exercises. Isotonic exercises are aimed at strengthening the neck and the back muscles. Having a strong neck and back muscle diminishes chances of having an injury in this region.

If the pain persists you may want to look more into thoracic spine stretches along with foam rolling techniques that emphasize myofascial release in the thoracic and cervical spine area. Tight mucles in this area could include your rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and posterior deltoid to name a few. A stiff neck could be the manifestation of tightness or imbalances in these areas. Emphasis on mobility and flexibility in these areas alone should dramatically help your problem!


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