Train Those Shoulders! Workout for Massive Growth!

An area of focus of many avid bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. Shoulders play a key role in stabilizing and strengthening many primary movements. The goal is to grow your shoulders while also keeping them functional and flexible. This allows you to achieve a greater range of motion while reducing the risk of injury to your C and T spine and all the small muscles and tendons that are in the in the deltoid muscle.

The Workout

(make sure to stretch and properly warm-up before beginning)

[Part 1]

1. Standing Barbell Military Press

           (2) Warm up sets, (4) Working Sets - 10,8,8,6 reps

2. Seated Dumbbell Shrugg

          (5) Working Sets - 12,12,12,12,12 Reps

3. Seated Dumbbell Press

          (2) Warm Up Sets, (5) Working Sets - 12,10,8,6,12 Reps

4. Standing Barbell Upright Row

         (5) Working Sets - 12,10,10,10,10 Reps


[Part 2]

(Supersets. Perform #A and #B exercises in pairs for rounds)


1A. Dumbbell Lateral Raise

1B. Dumbbell Reverse Rear Delt Fly

        (5) Rounds - 20,15,15,10,10 Reps

2A. Dumbbell Upright Row

2B. Dumbbell Front Raise

       (5) Rounds - 20,15,15,10,10 Reps

3A. Body Weight Pushup

3B. Plank

      (5) Rounds - 20 Push/30s, 15 Push/30s, 15 Push/30s,10 Push/30s, 10 Push/30s

Awesome job. Pick a manageable weight to execute the given reps with difficulty without breaking form. Form is function and function prevents injury!

Matt BeardComment