Carb Myth - Do Carbs make you fat?
Before going on to discuss the misconceptions regarding carbohydrates, let's first understand what carbohydrates are. Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients, along with fats and proteins, which are utilized as a source of energy for our bodily requirements. Among the three, carbohydrates are the most important for energy as they are the easiest to burn. When we eat carbohydrates, our body breaks it down into a simply molecule called glucose. Glucose, commonly known as blood sugar, provides energy for virtually all the activities ranging from sitting or sleeping to walking and running. The misconceptions arise when diverse groups of carbohydrates are grouped together and discussed as a single entity. Carbohydrates vary in bodily responses from good to bad. Main stream media has moved into the popular notion which demonizes carbohydrates and associates them with many issues. Are carbs really the reason you can't lose weight?. The following discussion takes into account the popular myths associated with carbohydrates.
1 – Carbohydrates are not good for us.
As mentioned above, all carbohydrates are not the same. The myth saying we should limit carbohydrate intake for weight loss is absurd. Digging deep into the discussion, only one kind of carbohydrates are not good when dealing with weight loss. The refined carbohydrates are the sugar-rich group which includes candies and white bread. These sugars have a high glycemic index, resulting in a spiked blood glucose level immediately after intake. On the other hand, unrefined carbohydrates such as grains, legumes, and raw fruit and vegetables provide the body with plenty of antioxidants, minerals, fibers that help ward off inflammation, cancer and help strengthen various systems in our body. These unrefined carbs have a lower glycemic index than refined carbohydrates and do not spike the blood glucose levels as the former group. Complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber lead to decreased hunger while also slowing down the blood sugar spikes without having to take an increased amount of calories.
Further, unrefined carbohydrates have been linked to decreased incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and type 2 diabetes as indicated in the research paper titled ‘Legumes: Health Benefits and Culinary Approaches to Increase Intake’ authored by Rani Polak, Edward M. Phillips, and Amy Campbell.
Long story short, stop eating white bread and sugary foods. Start eating unrefined carbs such as beans, raw fruits, raw vegetables, and whole grains. All carbs aren't created the same. Easy peezy.
2 – Carbohydrates make us fat
The notion that carbohydrates make us fat became popular following the increased attention to the ketogenic diet which stated that weight can be lost more efficiently following a low carb, high fat, and moderate protein diet. Dr. Colin Campbell in his book ‘Low-Carb Fraud’ discusses logically that as carbohydrates contain less than half the caloric amount of fats, replacing diet of fatty foods with unrefined carbohydrates is more likely to reduce your caloric intake and your body weight. Furthermore, he discusses how our bodies treat the two macronutrients differently. 23% of carbohydrates are burned before storing rather than a mere 3% for fats which are stored instead. Furthermore, an article titled ‘Low Carb Diets Found to Feed Heart Disease’ by Dr. Michael Greger states how low carb diets have led to an increased incidence of heart diseases due to abnormal coronary blood flow.
Which ever way you want to look a the studies completed in regards to high fats diet, it is important to understand that eliminating carbs is not the long term solution for most folks in regards to overall healthfulness and weight loss. Carbohydrates are not the reason we are fat. Lack of exercise and a solid diet regimen is.
3 – Carbohydrates should be a small portion of your diet
While every individual has different requirements, the current balanced diet ratios demand any where from 35-60 percent carbohydrates in caloric intake for proper growth and maintenance of the body during exercise programs. You should find out your daily caloric needs to achieve your goal first, then work backwards accordingly. You want to support a healthy metabolism by intaking the correct portion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates on any exercise program. After you have your calories in mind, you can do the math to figure out the right amounts of each macro nutrient. If you are new to this or need help, Myfitnesspal is a great app that will get you started!
4 – It is important to decrease carbohydrates while working out
Some athletes argue that carbohydrate intake leads to an increase in insulin levels once the glycogen reserves increase leading to increased fat storage due to stimulation of lipogenesis. As true as it might be, post-workout carbohydrate intake switches the body from catabolic or muscle-breakdown state to anabolic or muscle-growth state. Insulin released along with the anabolic effects also stimulates protein synthesis and muscle regeneration. Carbohydrates become even more important following vigorous training regimes as these lead to increased wear and tear along with fatigue. Carbohydrates don’t only help regenerate muscles, but also in gaining energy. Excessive intake and choosing the wrong types of carbohydrates in a post-workout stage can definitely do more harm than good resulting in increased inflammation. Therefore carbs such as banana, apples, berries, and other raw fruits are recommended post work out as they are unrefined and broken down fast and easily.
In the end, carbohydrates should not be demonized as they are not all equal. Weight loss can definitely be achieved by following a diet increasingly reliant on unrefined carbohydrates as opposed to sugars. Don't accept the fad diets or today's industry norms. A structured diet filled with the right portion of proteins, fats, and carbs, will be the ultimate reason for your fitness program's success. You will build more muscle, burn more fat, increase your results, and create lasting change from a balanced diet. Unfortunately many folks find this out after coming off fad diets where they lose a ton of weight just to gain it back. We have to stop doing that. Talk with a nutritionist or nutrition coach and get your diet plan as soon as possible!
I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions or concerns, please comment below and I will get back with you as soon as possible! Remember there is no better day than today. There is no better time than now. Be the better you!