Man, I’m tired! We wake up tired and grab a coffee or an energy drink to get us going. We eat snacks, throw in more caffeine or more energy drinks and then maybe a large meal to end the day. We hit the bed exhausted, wake up tired the next day and blame it on the work load or a “crazy” week. Listen, we have all been there. I know I have. It is too damn easy to get caught in a rut of this perpetual behavior if you don’t nip it in the bud early!
Before we get started in this article let me just make one quick note. There is no one food that will guarantee a daily boost of energy! You achieve this by having a wholesome, nutrient dense diet based around the three macro-molecules that provide our body with the needed sources to draw our energy! A healthy, balanced diet based around the three “macros” (proteins, carbs, fats) will give us optimum health and metabolic function! In other words, here is the winning formula: EXERCISE MORE, EAT CLEAN, AND EAT BALANCED TO LIVE AND FEEL BETTER.
Most of our foods are carbohydrate dense. This is not necessarily a bad thing because this is the quickest source of energy the body absorbs. However, this is not to say we pile up on candy, doughnuts, cookies, and cupcakes. These fall under the category of processed carbs and are unhealthy and cause even more loss of energy. CHECK OUT MY ARTICLE ON THE “CARB MYTH” HERE, to learn more.
Protein is the second source of energy for the body, particularly when carbohydrates are not available. It helps to build the immune system and repair tissue.
Fats are another source of energy, this time in a more concentrated form. Healthy fats also help in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and also contribute in keeping healthy cell membrane. Fat is used for energy when you heart rate isn’t elevated and you aren’t over exerting yourself. Fat takes longer to burn and isn’t as readily available to use as carb stores. Walking is a good exercise that uses fat as energy.
Incorporate these foods in your balanced diet plan to boost energy and obtain maximum results!
1. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Fresh fruit provides natural sugar, and is a much healthier alternative to carbonated, processed sugar laden drinks which make you even more drained after going through the body. Fruits are great natural pre-workouts! Leafy greens provide iron, calcium, magnesium, fibre, foliate, vitamins K and A, all of which helps the blood utilize carbohydrates to produce energy. Examples of fruits and vegetables are spinach, kiwi, broccoli, asparagus, kale etc. It is important to keep track of your iron content as it directly effects your energy systems.
2. Fish
High in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, vitamins B6 which help your body to convert carbohydrates into energy. Fatty fish are also beneficial to the brain and heart. The American Heart Association recommends two to three servings of fatty fish per week. Sardines, salmon, cod are just a few examples. This is one of my favorite foods to eat no matter my fitness goals. Whether I am trying to cut (lean fish such as cod) or trying to bulk (fatty fish such as salmon), I always try to eat fish EVERYDAY.
3. Nuts
High protein content, riboflavin and manganese all which of help in the release of energy from foods rich in protein. Almonds are a great choice here. Nuts such as macadamia nuts are low in protein and high in fat. Kind of defeats the purpose.
4. Beans
GREAT source of protein, fibre, iron and zinc. Laurie Saloman in her article “The Rewards of Adding More Legumes to You Meals” in Quality Health notes that there are variety of ways to cook beans and a large number of types including lima beans, black beans, black eyed beans, soybeans, lentils, kidney beans and so on. Have fun with your recipes and make things interesting! The goal is to prepare your beans with low sodium and sugar. Past that, cook them however you’d like! The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating three cups of legumes each week!
5. Yogurt
Not the best choice for our lactose intolerant friends but still a great food to eat if you can. It helps support a healthy digestive system and is protein rich. I would mainly recommend Greek Yogurt because of its low sugar content.
6. Lemon Water
HEY! I know this isn’t food but I had to include it here! Just the smell of lemon has been known to be invigorating and cold water energizes. The smell of mint also boosts the mood and energy as well. Drink more water, spiked with lemon and mint. The cold water will naturally burn calories and the lemon/mint combo will give you a quick boost!
Thank you so much for checking out today's blog post! If you have any questions or need help with your own person diet plan, comment below or shoot me an email mattbeard@newavecoaching.com and I will be happy to help! Be sure to sign up for the Burn Program if you are looking to challenge and push yourself harder than ever before! Hope you guys have an awesome Friday and Labor Day weekend! REMEMBER... BE THE BETTER YOU! Talk to you soon!
Zuidam V. J., (n.d). 10 Foods That Give You Energy. https://www.qualityhealth.com/eating-nutrition-articles/10-foods-give-you-energy
Saloman L. (2013). The rewards of adding more legumes to your meals. https://www.qualityhealth.com/healthy-aging-articles/rewards-adding-more-legumes-your-meals